The VIA Strengths Test

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The purpose of these activities is for you to try them out and observe your reactions. We’re taking these assignments on as scientists experimenting with and on ourselves. The VIA Strengths Test is our next experiment.

This assignment is core to the concept of positive psychology. Mostly the whole field of psychology focused on weaknesses and psychopathology for about 100 years, until, in 1998, as APA President, Martin Seligman shifted the focus to strengths and positivity. The VIA Strengths Test is partly a concrete manifestation of Seligman’s work.

You can take the test on this website:

Be sure to take the free test; I don’t want you to spend any money on this!

After you take the test and get your scores, respond to the following questions:

1.     Think about your top three strengths. How have you used them in the past for positive purposes? How have they helped you succeed?

2.     Are the strengths from the VIA questionnaire consistent with what you learned about yourself in the Natural Talent Interviews?

3.     Are your strengths the strengths you thought you had?

4.     Did you learn anything important about yourself from the test? If so, what?

Here’s a little secret: In the past, when I’ve had students take this test they forget that the test is all about strengths and they begin focusing on their lowest scores, which they interpret as weaknesses. This is fascinating to me. My advice for you on this tendency to look for weaknesses, even in a strengths test, is: DO NOT DO IT! THIS IS A STRENGTHS TEST! YES, NOW I’M YELLING WITH MY ALL CAPS AND EXCLAMATION MARKS! DON’T DO IT! DON’T TURN YOUR LESS STRONG STRENGTHS INTO WEAKNESSES. THAT’S JUST WRONG.

Obviously I’m using a bludgeoning strategy to make a point here. That’s one of my strengths.

Yours in strengths.

John S-F

Dr. John Sommers-Flanagan, University of Montana